NCWP Cluster TWO
Education and Information Communication Technology
NCWP’s Education and ICT Cluster works with various organizations engaged in promoting access to a holistic and lifelong education for both Filipino women and men, the youth, elderly, indigenous peoples, and the differently abled.
Our core advocacy
Empowering Women in Navigating the New Digital Normal

Holistic and Lifelong Learning for Women
Continuous and rapid changes in society and technology today demand increased capacity to adapt and expand skill sets that can capture opportunities for self-advancement. We support programs of our community partners that make education more inclusive and accessible to women across socio-economic and cultural groupings.
Adapting to the 4th Industrial Revolution
The expansion of the internet, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other technological innovations across almost all aspects of social life is transforming the required competencies among workers, professionals, and even social activists.
Making Online Spaces Safe for Women
While there is a heightened consciousness today of the interconnected problems of the world's environmental conditions, a big gap remains in envisioning alternative visions. We are documenting best practices, transferring and sharing knowledge and technology to catalyze concrete community interventions.
Our 2021-2023
Action Plan

ICT Skills Training Activities
We are conducting regular information communications technology training initiatives for various communities and sectors to better equip them with knowledge and tools in capturing opportunities opened by technological developments.
Digitalizing our Advocacies
We are building the NCWP website to become an information and research gateway for Filipino women organizations and our affiliates.
Partnership with the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)
We are engaging the government to further support our communities in cybersecurity and cyber protection.